The magical button against anxiety

The magical button against anxiety

Автор: Irina Barzhak
Теги: research
Страниц: 68
Переплет: Perfect-bound Paperback
Редакция: First Edition
Язык: English
Вес: 0.33 lbs.
Размеры: 6 wide x 9 tall
Чернила: Black & white
Правообладатель: Irina Barzhak (Standard Copyright License)
Издатель: Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc.
Публикация на сайте: February 2, 2016
ISBN: 9781329872493
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Many people ask: How does one overcome stage fright when performing before a public?
I have two answers to this question. Firstly, there exists a magical button that helps you manage anxiety. Secondly, in order to learn how to use it properly, you have to work hard. Details about what and how to do it are provided in this book. The book offers exercises for individual work. You will also find answers here to the following questions:
- Why you shouldn’t rehearse in front of a mirror;
- Why you shouldn’t watch videos of your performance;
- How to evaluate your performance based on 10 universal criteria;
- How television secrets can help you in public speaking.

С этой книгой читают:

The magical button against anxiety - Irina Barzhak

Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc.
1415 Limberlost Road,
Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6,
Canada © 1991-2024

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