

Автор: Dmitriy Zhukov
Теги: poetry
Страниц: 60
Переплет: Perfect-bound Paperback
Редакция: First edition
Язык: English
Вес: 0.3 lbs.
Размеры: 6 wide x 9 tall
Чернила: Black & white
Правообладатель: Dmitriy Zhukov (Standard Copyright License)
Издатель: Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc.
Публикация на сайте: October 30, 2017
ISBN: 9781387331987
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Dmitriy Zhukov

Dmitriy Zhukov’s “Verses” is a poetry writings collection where each verse is an example of individual and inimitable way of depiction of relationship between nature and a man. The author’s idea of a man as a key and a lock, respectively equal, is the cornerstone of the “Verses”, and each verse is the question and the answer at the same time. The author seeks to find the truth and understanding of the meaning of men’s existence through his emotional experience and feelings that he shares with his readers. One of the distinctive features of the writer’s manner of depiction is the fact that in most cases, he neglects the acknowledged laws of poetry, such as rhythm and rhyme. This is so, because the author does not believe that the life is a smooth road only, but full of obstacles, both physical and spiritual. To overcome them, a long road is needed

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Verses - Dmitriy Zhukov

Altaspera Publishing & Literary Agency Inc.
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Huntsville, Ontario P1H 2J6,
Canada © 1991-2024

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